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Linking Researchers and Practitioners 

Are you a researcher looking to share your research and policy implications with practitioners working in international organizations? Are you a practitioner with case study experience to share with other international organizations?


As a collaborative platform bringing together researchers and practitioners, ReformWorks offers different ways to publicize your work and help practitioners in international organizations improve theirs.  

Our weekly spotlight article highlights new research and case studies relevant to an agenda item being considered by one of the many UN governance mechanisms (e.g. Executive Boards, or the General Assembly’s Fifth Committee) that week. Our weekly spotlight article is generally 1-2 pages in length and is read by an average of more than 300 people each week.  

Starting in the fall of 2023, we will be issuing ‘White Papers’, which showcase the latest research on management and administration of international organizations and highlight concrete and practical policy implications for practitioners (approximately 5-7 pages). 

We also organize events and learning experiences in collaboration with universities, diplomatic representatives and other partners of international organizations and are often looking for academic and practitioners as speakers, or partner organizations to co-host with us. 

Key criteria for contributors is that their work should focus on management issues in international organizations and take into account the role of member states and managers in international organizations. 


It is also important that contributions highlight concrete policy implications for practitioners - and our staff can help you tease those out, as needed. We also have a forward agenda for all UN governance mechanisms and can help you identify linkages for potential spotlight articles. 


If you are interested in finding out more about our products and how you can contribute, please fill out the following form.

Visit the Weekly Spotlight page for examples of our weekly articles.

yellow megahone weekly spotlight image
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person icon juggling a book, globe and gratuate cap
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