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Latest News in UN Governance & Accountability

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Week of
October 21, 2024

The General Assembly's Fifth Committee

continues its consideration of the 2025 programme and budget and effort to improve the financial situation of the UN this week. In addition, 25 October is the deadline for nominations by member states to the technical bodies, including the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), the Committee on Contributions, the Investments Committee, the Pension Committee and International Civil Service Commission (ICSC).

What is at issue?

Although not well known, the ICSC has a significant impact on the UN system's ability to 'manage talent' and implement the HR resolutions agreed by the Fifth Committee. Our latest spotlight looks at what's at stake in the ICSC elections and why staff and delegates should pay close attention:

Week of
October 21, 2024


holds its Annual Partnership Consultation with civil society and operational partners as well as member states on 25 October 2024.

What is at issue?

These types of informal interactions are helpful in building trust between international organizations and their member states, and participation of non-governmental stakeholders and partners has also been shown to enhance the performance of international organizations.

Week of
October 14, 2024

The UN General Assembly's Fifth Committee

holds a mix of formal meetings and informal consultations primarily on the plan, programme and budget for the UN Secretariat and Special Political Missions for 2025. Following last week's closed briefing by the Controller on the management of the liquidity crisis, this week the Committee formally initiates discussion of efforts to improve the financial situation of the UN on 15 October.

What is at issue?

The liquidity crisis, which is a result of late or non-payment of assessed funding by member states is the most immediate financial problem for the Secretariat. That said, financial challenges have plagued the Secretariat and UN system over the last decade with few sustainable solutions in sight, as we explained in our spotlight last May:

Week of
October 14, 2024

The UNHCR Executive Committee

holds its 75th plenary session in Geneva from 14-18 October 2024.

What is at issue?

The ExCom plenary is largely informed by the reports and recommendations of its smaller Standing Committee. This session examines UNHCR’s financial requirements for the coming year and approves the annual programme and targets. ExCom also adopts conclusions on policy issues, notably on international protection, as well as decisions on a range of administrative, financial and procedural issues.

Week of
October 7, 2024

The UNGA's Fifth Committee

starts its main session on 7 October with a focus on the regular programme and budget for the UN Secretariat for 2025.

What is at issue?

The annual budget exercise is not just about resourcing, its a broader process of agreement on priorities and focus of the UN Secretariat between member states, and member states and the Secretariat. If you're new to the process check out our Fifth Committee Reference Guide that we created last year. Another key in this session are the elections of new members to technical committees, including the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC). Candidates are nominated by member states and elected by the Fifth Committee. In this month's spotlight, we highlight how these ICSC elections have a crucial impact on talent management in the UN (

Week of
October 7, 2024

The WFP Executive Board

holds a workshop on the WFP localization policy on 10 October, and an informal consultation on the Governance Review on 11 October.

What is at issue?

The workshop is another example of the high level of informal interaction between member states and WFP staff in the development of policies, a factor which contributes to WFP strong organizational performance. The discussion of the Governance Review is part of a longer process to reform the Executive Board, initiated by a consultant's review completed in Sept. 2023. The Board then set up a Working Group, which meets for the 13th time on 4 Oct. to consider how to implement the consultant's recommendations. separately, the New York-based Boards requested a review of their governance and oversight functions, which the JIU completed in January 2024. The JIU recommended discussion across all four Boards for alignment of their reforms.

Week of
September 30, 2024

The ITU Council Working Groups

hold meetings from 30 Sept. until 11 Oct. 2024. The working groups cover a variety of policy areas, as well as Financial and Human Resources and the Strategic and Financial Plan.

What is at issue?

Last year, the ITU initiated its Transformation Roadmap for Organizational Excellence with four pillars of reform: 1) People and Culture; 2) Financial Management & Planning; 3) IT systems, processes & tools; and 4) Oversight, Internal Controls & Governance. As we highlighted, their reform process has been a very interesting example of how reformers need to engage constructively with member states ( These working group discussions are another key interaction between the ITU and its member states in furthering those reforms.

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